Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Workouts Lagging? How HGH May Be Able To Help You!

People who are interested in fitness tend to do a lot of reading and research about the latest and greatest exercise programs, diet trends, and supplements. As a result, they eventually tend to come across references to human growth hormone (HGH), and they may even get confused at they read all the difference opinions and advice out there regarding it. With some supplements, everyone is pretty much in agreement that they are helpful. For example, nearly everyone will agree that you need protein in order to build muscle, so protein shakes and supplements are generally considered to be helpful if you are unable to get enough protein from a normal diet. But when it comes to HGH, there seems to be as many different opinions are there are people.
In order to get more information about HGH, let's take a closer look at it. HGH is a hormone that is produced naturally by your body during your life. During puberty, production spikes, which makes sense when you think about all the change that your body goes through during puberty. You get taller, you get bigger, and you get stronger. After puberty, production of HGH decreases, although this decrease doesn't usually become an issue until later in life. HGH plays many roles in the body. It strengthens bones. It increases protein synthesis. It stimulates our immune system. You can imagine that decreasing HGH levels in the body may have some less than desired effects.
Low levels of growth hormone may limit the amount of muscle a person can build. Also, it may contribute to feelings of depression, and may cause the body to hold extra body fat.
Supplementing with HGH can help promote muscle growth as well as fat reduction. Keep in mind, too, that muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you are burning. It can also help you recover more quickly from workouts, which means not only will you feel better, but you'll also be able to work out again sooner. It can also contribute to mood elevation which may not only motivate you to work out, but may also help you have more happiness in your daily life as well.
Remember that you should always discuss your workout and supplement questions and goals with your doctor, and that supplements by themselves will not help you achieve your goal without a proper workout program and adequate nutrition.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Natural Treatment Options For Male Hair Loss

With recent advances in hair loss treatments involving highly effective and safe ingredients, hair loss shampoos for men are now available that can repair scalp and hair conditions which inhibit normal growth and cause excess shedding. In addition, these shampoos strengthen the protein structure of the follicle to prevent excessive loss when showering or brushing while also providing follicle nourishing agents that promote health and fullness. The best of these shampoos are free of paraben and lauryl sulfate, which some studies say can contribute to the problem
Reasons why men suffer from thinning hair and hair loss are numerous. Common reasons include hereditary, hormone imbalances, hypothyroidism, excessive use of dyes and chemicals and autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata. Experiencing chronic stress can also cause men to lose hair due to the immune system being compromised and damaging the overall health of the body.
When used regularly, hair loss shampoos work to restore normal hair growth by replenishing damaged hair with vital nutrients and amino acids, moisturizing a dry scalp and deep-cleansing hair follicles and roots. Additionally, all hair loss shampoos for men utilize anti-DHT agents to prevent testosterone from interacting with an enzyme called 5a-reductase. When these two chemicals meet, the result is a hormone and enzyme hybrid referred to as dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. This binding of testosterone and 5a-reductase harms hair follicles and produces an action called "miniaturization".
Miniaturization of hair follicles forces them to shrink, which also shortens each of the three stages of the hair growth cycle. As a result of miniaturization, the circumference and length of hair decreases, losing its ability to remain strongly rooted. DHT can also inflict permanent damage on hair follicles, eventually disabling them so that they no longer produce hair. Baldness resulting from a DHT-related condition is called androgenetic alopecia..
Fortunately, DHT does not damage every follicle, but only targets follicles containing androgen receptors. These androgen-receptive hair follicles are usually located along the temple, near the back of the head and at the temple, which is why many men suffer a pattern of baldness referred to as "horseshoe" baldness, rather than complete balding.
Other ingredients found in these shampoos for men include:
  • Niacin
  • Zinc
  • Panthenol
  • Folic acid
  • Biotin
  • Saw palmetto berry extract
All of these ingredients contribute to restoring normal scalp and hair health by enhancing moisture content, promoting the hair's protein complex, increasing thickness and luster, eliminating detrimental scalp conditions and preventing miniaturization from occurring. Additionally, the ability of a male hair loss shampoo product to extend the growth phases of hair also plays a vital role in reversing hair thinning in men.